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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Why Design Loves Coding

There has been something bothering me for quite a while now and is what inspired me to start this website. In the internet world all websites contain coding it's just the way it works, however a lot of designers don't use coding to their advantage. There are so many websites that fail to meet up to the standard of designing and coding used together.

Design and Coding are two very necessary things to create a wonderful website, without design websites would be unpleasing to the eye and there would be much less usage of the internet in general, however, design needs coding to both help create graphics and to use the graphics to help up the quality of a website.

Besides the actual use of these concepts there are also the websites, forums, and video bloggers that talk about either Design OR Coding but hardly ever do I see someone speak of Design AND Coding on the same website.

This is what Design Loves Coding is. We Discuss Design AND Coding because we love Design AND Coding.

-What you will see here

  • Every week there will be at least one blog and one video which will be displayed both here on the website and on our Youtube Channel.

    The videos will be online here BEFORE Youtube so be sure to check back here, sign up to our RSS feed and check out our facebook for the first look at the videos before Youtube.
  • Tutorials, tips, and videos on Design including drawing, photoshop, illustrator, inDesign, and anything else relevant to Design.
  • Tutorials, tips, and videos on Coding including HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Java, C, C++, and much more
  • Updates and news found important or interesting about Design, Coding, and technology relevant.
Be sure to join the blog in order to comment and contact me if you would like to write for DLC or vlog for DLC by email 

This is all I can say for today be sure to like us on facebook and keep coding and designing.
Goodbye for now!

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