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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Making Games

So as you might have noticed in the past posts I've been wanting to make a game. I made a couple parts of a zombie game I was going for but I tested it out with some people and it didn't seem to be going so well.

Now I am currently working with Summer People LLC to make the website, take photos, and all sorts of stuff (I'm one of the owners) and I'm also making a magazine for southern California heavy music lovers.
All this is taking my time plus I just got another job in the mall as a photographer, however I will be making a game it just might take a while. I will be coming up with some concepts and examples so over time I will have a browser based game that will bring in hopefully a lot of people. I'm a Javascript guy so that is what the game will be made with.

Right now I'm thinking adventure game with many levels, puzzles, and an awesome deep story. This blog has kind of stopped due to me being so busy and not getting much support for my ideas here. I might use this blog to be posting ideas and more.

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